About Me
Hi, I'm Roy Palmer and I'm a teacher of the remarkable mind/body system known as The Alexander Technique. I'm also an athletics coach and have over 30 years experience in competitive sports of some form or other.
I've always been interested in finding new ways to improve performance and fitness, and like to question the long-accepted and conventional advice when it comes to exercise methods - my book, The Peak Performance Zone is the result of ten years research and practical experimentation into performance enhancing techniques. My book is a detailed look at what athletes refer to as The Zone - a paradoxical state where a personal best performance can feel like the easiest thing you've ever done.
I also have to admit to being a gadget freak - which explains why I love home fitness equipment. It's the combination of technology, engineering and some pretty cool designs with the objective of getting you fit that does it for me. But of all the types I prefer treadmills and rowing machines. Personally, I find exercise bikes dull, and really can't get into the action used on elliptical trainers. So for me it's the treadmill or rower because the actions work all your major muscle groups and give one hell of a cardio workout.
But it's the repetitive nature of running and rowing that interests me. I mentioned earlier my fascination with The Zone and I believe we can enter it by getting absorbed in the moment. The world-renowned expert on The Zone (also know as The Flow) is Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. He believes the conditions necessary to enter The Zone include being absorbed in a challenging activity that provides instant feedback on your performance - which describes something like interval training on your rower while monitoring your progress on the display :0)
So while you can think of using fitness equipment is a great way to get fit, it's also more than that. Lose yourself in your training and get more than just the physical benefits of the activity.
I hope you find my approach helps you achieve your fitness goals. If you have any questions, or would like to send me your views of your rowing machine, please contact me here.
If you're interested in buying a rowing machine to complement your treadmill, you can find advice at my other website, RowingMachine-Guide.com
Best Wishes
Roy Palmer MSTAT
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